Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Morality of Clear-Cut Logging

The above picture shows a machine cutting logs through the “clear cut logging” method. This method involves cutting down every tree. The machine illustrated above is much more productive than a few lumberjacks. It has the ability to turn a dense forest into a field of stumps.

This picture shows that technology has the ability to undermine traditional morality by tempting humans with greed. Humans might choose what technology is able to offer, other than what they believe is right. Technology can make humans not think about the future, by what it has the ability to do. This is evident in “the Veldt” because the children were so amazed at what the nursery could do, that they did not realize the psychological affect it had on them when they watched animals aggressively feeding on humans. The picture shows that humans toke advantage of the abilities of the technology, instead of thinking about the long term environmental damage that it is causing. Technology also has the ability to make humans disregard their moral for what they are able to receive from technology. In "the Veldt", the children disregarded their respect for their parents when they wished that the nursery would kill the parents, in return, technology was able to simulate their wildest imaginations. In this picture, the owner of this technology is able to receive a large amount of profit by cutting down all this wood. Therefore, he sacrificed his morals for what he thinks is right for the environment, for money. This shows that technology can lure humans into undermining their traditional morality by offering them something they want.

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